Thursday 26 January 2012

The Empty Page

On this empty pager blog I will write about everything related to writing. There will be a new article weekly. Of course, I would encourage you to buy my book, but having read Raw Nerve isn't a requirement for joining this blog. Link to buy at the bottom, though ;) Every story begins with a blank page and I'm going to fill this one by considering how I begin to fill an empty page...

Okay, so we are staring at a blank page, so where to begin? Sometimes I have an idea for a plot and sometimes a character will simply start talking to me. I have writer friends who begin by laying out a fairly detailed plot and the details they lay out will decide the sex, occupation and character outline of the characters required. I am not as organised or as "fixed" as that. For me the characters dictate the story. I'll have an idea of the point I wish the characters to make and the main plot thread will be spun from that. But how the characters achieve the goal and how the story ends is entirely up to them. Well, perhaps not entirely... I do hold a loose rein on the characters otherwise, as in real life, too many sub plot threads begin to grow as characters interact. I encourage subplot threads to grow even if the subplot wanders off into a dead end, but too many will confuse the reader. Another point I would like to cover here with regard main or lead character(s) is the opposing character. Every book needs some kind of central drama to keep the reader turning the pages. Drama generally involves an element of human conflict even if it is the inner turmoil of the main character and it is important, in my opinion, the opposing force offers the reader a challenge, possibly raising questions the reader will struggle with. We involve the readers by enticing them to make an emotional investment, either in the main character or to align them with the main character against the opposing force or character. Would James Bond be James Bond without Goldfinger or Dr No? Would Sherlock Holmes be perceived to be so brilliant were it not for Professor Moriarty? And then we come to Raymond Chandler who not only created great opposing forces for Philip Marlowe, but also crafted flaws into Marlowe's character that seduce the reader into a more intimate relationship of empathy. So, as I consider the empty page before me, much of what I have just discussed will already have germinated. The empty page is begging to be filled before I even start! The character or story will determine the opening line and everything flows from that source. Raw Nerve, for instance, begins with our lead character Gideon assassinating the Governor of Georgia and thus the story flows forth... Magic happens on that previously empty page as the characters come to life and connect with the reader...

Please feel free to comment and disagree with me. My novel, Raw Nerve, is available on Kindle To read and buy Raw Nerve click here! Thank you. I will update once a week with a new writing related article. Please join to follow this blog...

Sincerely, Tim